Package com.tomtom.sdk.maps.display.traffic


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data class CommunityAttributes(    val probabilityOfOccurrence: ProbabilityOfOccurrence?,     val numberOfReports: Int?,     val lastReportTime: Date?)

Describes data associated with the TrafficIncident that comes from users.

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data class Description(val iconCategory: IconCategory, val cause: String)

Description of the TrafficIncident with a corresponding iconCategory and cause.

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enum IconCategory : Enum<IconCategory>

The icon categories associated with the TrafficIncident.

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enum Magnitude : Enum<Magnitude>

The magnitude of delay associated with the TrafficIncident.

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fun interface OnTrafficIncidentClickListener

Used to notify a user about traffic incidents on the map.

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enum PoiType : Enum<PoiType>

Possible type of the TrafficIncidentPoi.

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enum ProbabilityOfOccurrence : Enum<ProbabilityOfOccurrence>

Possible level of the likelihood of the occurring TrafficIncident.

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enum RoadCoverage : Enum<RoadCoverage>

Possible traffic coverage.

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enum RoadType : Enum<RoadType>

Possible road type.

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interface TrafficController

Controls traffic-related operations on the map.

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interface TrafficIncident

Generic interface that describes protobuf layers called "Traffic incidents flow" and "Traffic incidents POI".

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data class TrafficIncidentFlow(    val descriptions: List<Description>,     val delay: Duration,     val roadType: RoadType?,     val leftHandTraffic: Boolean?,     val magnitude: Magnitude?,     val roadCoverage: RoadCoverage?,     val clustered: Int?,     val endDate: Date?,     val id: String?,     val communityAttributes: CommunityAttributes) : TrafficIncident

Describes the traffic incident flow.

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data class TrafficIncidentPoi(    val descriptions: List<Description>,     val delay: Duration,     val roadType: RoadType?,     val leftHandTraffic: Boolean?,     val magnitude: Magnitude?,     val roadCoverage: RoadCoverage?,     val poiType: PoiType,     val clusterId: Int?,     val clusterSize: Int?,     val clustered: Int?,     val endDate: Date?,     val id: String?,     val communityAttributes: CommunityAttributes) : TrafficIncident

Describes the traffic incident poi.