Package com.tomtom.sdk.maps.display.polygon


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data class InnerPolygonOptions(    val coordinates: List<GeoCoordinate>,     val fillColor: Color? = null,     val innerPolygonOptions: InnerPolygonOptions? = null)

Configures options for a inner polygon that will be used in PolygonOverlay. See the TomTomMap.addPolygonOverlay(options: PolygonOverlayOptions) to check how to add a new PolygonOverlay. Inner polygons can be nested.

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fun interface OnPolygonClickListener

Interface for notifying about the Polygon being clicked.

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class Polygon

A Polygon overlay which was added to the map.

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interface PolygonController

Controls Polygon-specific features on the map. Allows Polygon management and the user interactions with the Polygon.

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class PolygonNotFoundException(id: UniqueId) : RuntimeException

Exception thrown when a Polygon with the given id cannot be found on the map.

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data class PolygonOptions(    val coordinates: List<GeoCoordinate>,     val outlineColor: Color = Color.TRANSPARENT,     val outlineWidth: Double = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_WIDTH,     val fillColor: Color = DEFAULT_FILL_COLOR,     val image: Image? = null,     val isImageOverlay: Boolean = false)

Configures options for a Polygon overlay which can be added and displayed on the map. See the TomTomMap.addPolygon(options: PolygonOptions) to check how to add a new Polygon.

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class PolygonOverlay

PolygonOverlay consists of inner polygon and outer area color used to color area outside of polygon.

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interface PolygonOverlayController

Controls PolygonOverlay-specific features on the map. Allows PolygonOverlay management and the user interactions with the PolygonOverlay.

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class PolygonOverlayNotFoundException(id: UniqueId) : RuntimeException

Exception thrown when a PolygonOverlay with the given id cannot be found on the map.

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data class PolygonOverlayOptions(val outerColor: Color, val innerPolygonOptions: InnerPolygonOptions)

Configures options for a PolygonOverlay, which can be added and displayed on the map. See the TomTomMap.addPolygonOverlay(options: PolygonOverlayOption) to check how to add a new PolygonOverlay.