Package com.tomtom.sdk.common.location
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data class Address( val streetNumber: String = "", val streetName: String = "", val municipalitySubdivision: String = "", val municipality: String = "", val countrySecondarySubdivision: String = "", val countryTertiarySubdivision: String = "", val countrySubdivision: String = "", val postalCode: String = "", val extendedPostalCode: String = "", val countryCode: String = "", val country: String = "", val countryCodeIso3: String = "", val freeformAddress: String = "", val countrySubdivisionName: String = "", val localName: String = "", val streetNameAndNumber: String = "", val postalName: String = "", val countrySubdivisionCode: String = "", val neighborhoodName: String = "")
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Describes the detailed address.
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Implementation of the GeoCoordinate with a radius.
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data class GeoBoundingBox(val topLeft: GeoCoordinate, val bottomRight: GeoCoordinate)
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Represents a bounding box for the map. It's defined in the WGS84 format.
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Represents geographical bounds determined by the given list of GeoCoordinate elements.
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data class GeoCoordinate(val latitude: Double, val longitude: Double) : Parcelable
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The implementation of geographic coordinates.
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data class GeoLineSegment(val begin: GeoCoordinate, val end: GeoCoordinate)
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Implementation of a line segment that represents a line between the two geographic coordinates.
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data class GeoLocation( val position: GeoCoordinate, @FloatRange(from = 0.0) val accuracy: Double? = null, @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 360.0) val course: Double? = null, val speed: Double? = null, val altitude: Double? = null, val time: Long = System.currentTimeMillis(), val provider: String = DEFAULT_PROVIDER, val providerType: LocationProviderType = LocationProviderType.REALTIME, val extras: Bundle? = null)
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Geographical representation of a certain location. It provides additional attributes like speed or bearing what can be useful in navigation applications.
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The source that provides the location.
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data class Place( val coordinate: GeoCoordinate, val name: String = "", val address: Address? = null)
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Structure holding information about a specific place.