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data class CircleGeometry(val position: GeoCoordinate, val radiusInMeters: Int) : Geometry

Represents information about a circle.

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interface Geometry

A interface that represents geometry in the Geometry Search API. There can be two different types of geometry: CircleGeometry or PolygonGeometry.

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Callback that reports on a GeometrySearchResponse or GeometrySearchError that has been received.

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class GeometrySearchError(val message: String = "") : SearchError

Error caused by failure while calling the Geometry Search API. Contains information about the cause of the failure.

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data class GeometrySearchOptions(    val query: String,     val geometries: List<Geometry>,     val limit: Int? = null,     val language: String? = null,     val extendedPostalCodes: List<IndexType>,     val idx: Set<IndexType>,     val categorySet: Set<Long>,     val brandSet: Set<String>,     val connectorSet: Set<String>,     val minPowerKW: Double? = null,     val maxPowerKW: Double? = null,     val fuelSet: Set<FuelType>,     val geopoliticalView: String? = null,     val openingHours: OpeningHoursMode? = null,     val timeZone: TimeZoneType? = null,     val mapCodes: Set<MapCodeType>,     val relatedPois: RequestedPoiRelationType? = null,     val entityTypeSet: Set<EntityType>)

Defines the parameters of a Geometry Search. Use GeometrySearchOptions.Builder to create a new instance of the object.

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data class GeometrySearchResponse(val summary: SearchRequestSummary, val results: List<SearchResult>)

Response from the Geometry Search API.

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data class PolygonGeometry(val vertices: List<GeoCoordinate>) : Geometry

Represents information about a polygon.