Package com.tomtom.sdk.routing.api


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class Itinerary(    val origin: ItineraryPoint,     val destination: ItineraryPoint,     val waypoints: List<ItineraryPoint> = emptyList())

Itinerary represents a sequence of points that a route visits.

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data class ItineraryPoint(val place: Place)

Encapsulates Place with the additional information relevant for the route itinerary.

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value class ItineraryPointId(val value: UUID = UUID.randomUUID())

Represents a unique identifier of an itinerary point.

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interface RoutingApi

Entry point to perform a route planning action.

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interface RoutingCallback : Callback<RoutingResult, RoutingError>

Callback which is responsible to inform about a received RoutingResult or respective error.

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open class RoutingError(val message: String? = null)

Represents an error raised when something went wrong in routing.

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data class RoutingOptions(    val itinerary: Itinerary,     val departAt: Date? = null,     val routeType: RouteType = RouteType.FAST,     val considerTraffic: Boolean = true,     val avoidTypes: List<AvoidType> = arrayListOf(),     val travelMode: TravelMode = TravelMode.CAR,     val hilliness: Hilliness? = null,     val windingness: Windingness? = null,     val maxAlternatives: Int = 0,     val alternativeType: AlternativeType? = null,     val minDeviationDistance: Int? = null,     val minDeviationTime: Int? = null,     val instructionType: InstructionType = InstructionType.NONE,     val language: Locale? = null,     val routeRepresentation: RouteRepresentation = RouteRepresentation.POLYLINE,     val includeExtendedRouteRepresentation: Boolean = true,     val trafficInformation: TrafficInformation = TrafficInformation.NONE,     val vehicleHeading: Int? = null,     val sectionTypes: List<SectionType> = mutableListOf(SectionType.TRAVEL_MODE),     val arriveAt: Date? = null,     val supportingPoints: List<List<GeoCoordinate>> = arrayListOf(),     val avoidVignettes: List<String>? = null,     val allowVignettes: List<String>? = null,     val avoidAreas: List<GeoBoundingBox>? = null,     val reportType: ReportType = ReportType.NONE,     val electricVehicleDescriptor: ElectricVehicleDescriptor? = null,     val combustionVehicleDescriptor: CombustionVehicleDescriptor? = null,     val instructionAnnouncementPoints: AnnouncementPoints = AnnouncementPoints.NONE,     val instructionPhonetics: InstructionPhoneticsType = InstructionPhoneticsType.NONE,     val instructionRoadShieldReferences: RoadShieldReferences = RoadShieldReferences.NONE,     val trackingId: String? = null,     val coordinatePrecision: CoordinatePrecision = CoordinatePrecision.FULL,     val extras: Any? = null)

Represents parameters used in a Routing API Request.

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data class RoutingResult(val routes: List<Route>)

Represents the calculated route based on a passed RoutingOptions.