Package com.tomtom.sdk.common.collections


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fun <E : Any> MutableCollection<E>.addOrThrow(element: E, lazyMessage: () -> Any = { "Element has already been added" })

Adds element to MutableCollection if it does not contain it yet. Throws an IllegalArgumentException with the result of calling lazyMessage if the collections already contains the element.

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fun <T> List<T>.binaryFindFirst(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T?

Important: This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.

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fun <T> List<T>.binaryFindLast(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T?

Important: This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.

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fun <E> Iterator<E>.forEachNext(action: (E) -> Unit)

This is an equivalent of java.util.Iterator.forEachRemaining, but is named differently to avoid the naming clash. The Java's implementation cannot be used due to the minimum API level restrictions.