
Controls camera-specific features on the map. Allows camera management and user interactions with the camera.


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object Companion


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Registers the CameraChangeListener that will be notified about any change of the camera properties.

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Registers the CameraSteadyListener that will be notified when the camera becomes steady after applying changes on its properties.

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abstract fun animateCamera(options: CameraOptions, animationDuration: Duration? = DEFAULT_ANIMATION_DURATION): Cancellable
abstract fun animateCamera(options: CameraOptions, actionCallback: AnimateCameraCallback, animationDuration: Duration? = DEFAULT_ANIMATION_DURATION): Cancellable

Moves the camera according to the given CameraOptions and animates the transition.

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abstract fun moveCamera(options: CameraOptions)

Immediately moves camera according to the given CameraOptions.

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The current CameraPosition.

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abstract val maxZoom: Double

Provides a maximum available value for the CameraOptions.zoom attribute.

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abstract val minZoom: Double

Provides a minimum available value for the CameraOptions.zoom attribute.


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