
data class InstructionParams(val street: String? = null, val phoneticStreet: String? = null, val phoneticStreetLanguageCode: String? = null, val phoneticRoadNumbers: List<String> = emptyList(), val phoneticRoadNumberLanguageCodes: List<String> = emptyList(), val exitNumber: String? = null, val phoneticSignpostText: String? = null, val phoneticSignpostTextLanguageCode: String? = null, val roundaboutExitNumber: Int = 0, val combineWithNext: Boolean = false, val message: String? = null, val earlyWarningAnnouncement: AnnouncementPoint? = null, val mainAnnouncement: AnnouncementPoint? = null, val confirmationAnnouncement: AnnouncementPoint? = null)

A set of Instruction attributes used for verbal messages generation.



The street name of the next significant road segment after the maneuver, or of the street that should be followed.


Phonetic string for street. Supported only in routing with extended guidance.


Language code in which the phoneticStreet is encoded. Supported only in routing with extended guidance.


Phonetic string for roadNumbers. Supported only in routing with extended guidance.


Language code in which the phoneticRoadNumbers is encoded. Supported only in routing with extended guidance.


The number(s) of a highway exit taken by the current maneuver. If an exit has multiple exit numbers, they will be separated by "," and possibly aggregated by "-", e.g., "10, 13-15".


Phonetic string for signpostText. Supported only in routing with extended guidance.


Language code in which the phoneticSignpostText is encoded. Supported only in routing with extended guidance.


Indicates which exit to take at a roundabout.


Indicates that the instruction should be combined with the next one. This can be used to build messages like "Turn left and then turn right".


A human-readable message for the maneuver.


Returns fine-grained AnnouncementPoint for the Instruction located a few hundred meters before the point. Supported only in routing with extended guidance.


Returns main fine-grained AnnouncementPoint for the Instruction. Supported only in routing with extended guidance.


Returns last fine-grained AnnouncementPoint for the Instruction located tens of meters before the point. Supported only in routing with extended guidance.


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fun InstructionParams(street: String? = null, phoneticStreet: String? = null, phoneticStreetLanguageCode: String? = null, phoneticRoadNumbers: List<String> = emptyList(), phoneticRoadNumberLanguageCodes: List<String> = emptyList(), exitNumber: String? = null, phoneticSignpostText: String? = null, phoneticSignpostTextLanguageCode: String? = null, roundaboutExitNumber: Int = 0, combineWithNext: Boolean = false, message: String? = null, earlyWarningAnnouncement: AnnouncementPoint? = null, mainAnnouncement: AnnouncementPoint? = null, confirmationAnnouncement: AnnouncementPoint? = null)


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val exitNumber: String? = null
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val message: String? = null
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val phoneticStreet: String? = null
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val street: String? = null