
class MapMatchedLocationProvider(navigation: NavigationController, usePredictions: Boolean = true) : LocationProvider

Location engine that provides map matched locations generated by NavigationController. Clients should call addOnLocationUpdateListener to register for location updates.

If usePredictions will be set to true it will provide matched locations generated by NavigationController.addOnLocationPredictionsGeneratedListener otherwise NavigationController.addOnLocationMatchedListener will be used. Locations that comes from predictions are generated more often and attempt to provide closer approximation of user's location. Location updates from predictions will be executed before given GeoLocation.time to let client e.g. execute animation beforehand.

Important: This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.


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fun MapMatchedLocationProvider(navigation: NavigationController, usePredictions: Boolean = true)


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open override fun close()
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open override fun disable()
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open override fun enable()
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open override val lastKnownLocation: GeoLocation?