
class Polygon

A Polygon overlay which was added to the map.

Important: This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.

See also

TomTomMap.addPolygon(options: PolygonOptions) to check how to configure and add a new Polygon.


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fun remove()

Removes the Polygon from the map.

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fun updateImage(image: Image)

Updates the Image that will be fitted into the Polygon bounding rectangle.


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Determines a List of GeoPoint elements which create the Polygon.

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The fill Color property of the Polygon.

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Unique Polygon identifier.

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Provides a Uri of the Image drawn inside the current Polygon.

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A Polygon property that determines whether the Image is scaled to cover the whole Polygon. It's false by default, hence the original Image size is preserved and the Image is repeated starting from the South-West corner of the polygons bounding rectangle.

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Determines whether the Polygon is visible or hidden.

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The outline Color property of the Polygon.

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@get:FloatRange(from = 0.0, fromInclusive = false)
var outlineWidth: Double

The outline width (in dp units) property of the Polygon.