
data class LaneGuidance(val lanes: List<<Error class: unknown class>>, val laneSeparators: List<<Error class: unknown class>>, val routeOffset: <Error class: unknown class>, val length: <Error class: unknown class>)

Contains information about lane guidance.

Lanes are stored in order from curb side to middle side. That is, in left-hand driving locales such as Japan, the lanes are ordered from left to right, while in right-hand driving locales such as the USA, the lanes are ordered from right to left.



Lane information.


Lane separators.


The distance from the start of the route to the start of the lanes.


Length of the lane section.


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constructor(lanes: List<<Error class: unknown class>>, laneSeparators: List<<Error class: unknown class>>, routeOffset: <Error class: unknown class>, length: <Error class: unknown class>)


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val lanes: List<<Error class: unknown class>>
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val laneSeparators: List<<Error class: unknown class>>
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val length: <Error class: unknown class>
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val routeOffset: <Error class: unknown class>