
data class InnerPolygonOptions(val coordinates: List<GeoPoint>, @ColorInt val fillColor: Int? = null, val innerPolygonOptions: InnerPolygonOptions? = null)

Configures options for a inner polygon that will be used in PolygonOverlay. See the TomTomMap.addPolygonOverlay(options: PolygonOverlayOptions) to check how to add a new PolygonOverlay. Inner polygons can be nested.

Important: This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.


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constructor(coordinates: List<GeoPoint>, @ColorInt fillColor: Int? = null, innerPolygonOptions: InnerPolygonOptions? = null)


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Coordinates of the inner polygon.

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val fillColor: Int? = null

Color that will be used to draw area inside the polygon except the area taken by innerPolygonOptions.

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Optional nested inner polygon that will be drawn inside this polygon.