class InflateViewFactory<T, B : ViewDataBinding>(inflateFunction: (LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, attachToContainer: Boolean) -> B, bindViewModelVariable: Boolean = true, bindDataFunction: (B, T) -> Unit? = null) : ViewFactory<T>
A ViewFactory for inflating layouts that uses generated data binding of type B and binds data to the view of type T.
See also the invoke operator to create a ViewFactory that inflates a layout identified by a layout ID.
A function that will inflate a view given a layout inflater, a parent view, and whether the view should be attached to the parent upon inflation. Matches the signature of a generated data binding class's inflate
A function that will be called after view inflation, and can be used to bind data to the view.
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Binds the given view to data and the given viewLifecycleOwner.
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Creates a view.