
class TextDrawable(context: Context, text: String, @ColorInt textColor: Int) : Drawable

A Drawable that draws the given text. The text will be placed in the center of the drawable's bounding rectangle.



The display context.


The text to be drawn on the screen.


The color to draw the text.


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constructor(context: Context, text: String, @ColorInt textColor: Int)


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open override fun draw(canvas: Canvas)
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open override fun getOpacity(): Int
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open override fun setAlpha(alpha: Int)
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open override fun setColorFilter(colorFilter: ColorFilter?)

Inherited functions

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suspend fun Drawable.blur(context: Context, @Px blurRadiusPx: Float, samplingMultiplier: Float = DEFAULT_SAMPLING_MULTIPLIER): Drawable

Creates a blurred version of a drawable.

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open fun clearColorFilter()
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open fun getAlpha(): Int
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suspend fun Drawable.getBrightnessAdjustedDominantColor(@ColorInt defaultColor: Int, dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default): Int

Returns the drawable's dominant color with a brightness adjustment. If no dominant color is available it falls back to defaultColor. The brightness value of the dominant color is adjusted to an average value in between the original one and the defaultColor brightness value. Therefore, the returned dominant color can be brighter or darker than the original dominant color.

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open fun getCurrent(): Drawable
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open fun getDirtyBounds(): Rect
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open fun getHotspotBounds(p0: Rect)
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fun getLevel(): Int
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open fun getMinimumHeight(): Int
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open fun getMinimumWidth(): Int
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open fun getOutline(p0: Outline)
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open fun getPadding(p0: Rect): Boolean
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open fun getState(): IntArray
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open fun invalidateSelf()
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open fun isProjected(): Boolean
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open fun isStateful(): Boolean
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open fun mutate(): Drawable
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open fun scheduleSelf(p0: Runnable, p1: Long)
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open fun setAutoMirrored(p0: Boolean)
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open fun setBounds(p0: Rect)
open fun setBounds(p0: Int, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Int)
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open fun setDither(p0: Boolean)
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open fun setFilterBitmap(p0: Boolean)
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open fun setHotspot(p0: Float, p1: Float)
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open fun setHotspotBounds(p0: Int, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Int)
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fun setLevel(p0: Int): Boolean
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open fun setState(p0: IntArray): Boolean
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open fun setTint(p0: Int)
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open fun setVisible(p0: Boolean, p1: Boolean): Boolean
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open fun unscheduleSelf(p0: Runnable)