
data class TtButtonViewModel(val image: DrawableResolver? = null, val text: StringResolver? = null, val actionType: TtButton.ActionType = TtButton.DEFAULT_ACTION_TYPE, val isEnabled: Boolean = TtButton.DEFAULT_ENABLED, val isActivated: Boolean = TtButton.DEFAULT_ACTIVATED, val isVisible: Boolean = image != null || text != null, val isBadgeVisible: Boolean = TtButton.DEFAULT_BADGE_VISIBLE, val drawableTintMatchesTextColor: Boolean = TtButton.DEFAULT_DRAWABLE_TINT_MATCHES_TEXT_COLOR, @Px var imageSize: Int = 0, @IdRes val tag: Int? = null, @Px val paddingStart: Int = TtButton.NO_CUSTOM_PADDING, @Px val paddingEnd: Int = TtButton.NO_CUSTOM_PADDING, val onClick: () -> Unit = { }, val onClickWhileDisabled: () -> Unit = { }) : VisibilityProvider

Convenience class to provide common properties for buttons with a single reference. In addition to the look & feel of the button (such as image, text, actionType, etc.) and its behavior (such as onClick), it supports specifying a custom tag that makes it easily identifiable in tests.



The image to show next to the text within the button.


The text to show within the button.


The ActionType which determines the appearance of the button.


Indicates whether the button is enabled.


Indicates whether the button is activated. This can be used for toggle buttons.


Indicates if the button is visible. If no value is provided, the button is visible only if it has an image and/or text.


Indicates if a badge should be shown on top of the button. The badge signifies that there is update relevant to the user that can be accessed by clicking the button.


If true the image tint color matches the text color of the ActionType.


The width and height of image. Use 0 to use source image size.


An ID to tag the button with, which can be used to identify it later. This is useful, for example, during tests in combination with the withIdTag matcher.


The start padding applied for the button


The end padding applied for the button


Callback function for when the button is clicked.


Callback function for when the button is clicked when in disabled state.


Link copied to clipboard
constructor(image: DrawableResolver? = null, text: StringResolver? = null, actionType: TtButton.ActionType = TtButton.DEFAULT_ACTION_TYPE, isEnabled: Boolean = TtButton.DEFAULT_ENABLED, isActivated: Boolean = TtButton.DEFAULT_ACTIVATED, isVisible: Boolean = image != null || text != null, isBadgeVisible: Boolean = TtButton.DEFAULT_BADGE_VISIBLE, drawableTintMatchesTextColor: Boolean = TtButton.DEFAULT_DRAWABLE_TINT_MATCHES_TEXT_COLOR, @Px imageSize: Int = 0, @IdRes tag: Int? = null, @Px paddingStart: Int = TtButton.NO_CUSTOM_PADDING, @Px paddingEnd: Int = TtButton.NO_CUSTOM_PADDING, onClick: () -> Unit = { }, onClickWhileDisabled: () -> Unit = { })


Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
val image: DrawableResolver? = null
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
open override val isVisible: Boolean
Link copied to clipboard
val onClick: () -> Unit
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
val tag: Int? = null
Link copied to clipboard
val text: StringResolver? = null