
data class TimeTransition(startFraction: Double, endFraction: Double, startTimeMs: Long, endTimeMs: Long)

Contains the time transition information from a start to an end point. This class helps to use the ValueAnimator for animations, see property animation system for more details.


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fun TimeTransition(startFraction: Double = 0.0, endFraction: Double = 0.0, startTimeMs: Long = 0, endTimeMs: Long = 0)


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val durationMs: Long
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val endFraction: Double = 0.0

The progress of the animation at endTimeMs. Answers the question 'At which fraction should the animation end?'.

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val endTimeMs: Long = 0

The transition end time in milliseconds since boot, including time spent in sleep.

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val startFraction: Double = 0.0

The progress of the animation at startTimeMs. Answers the question 'How far along should the animation start?'.

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val startTimeMs: Long = 0

The transition start time in milliseconds since boot, including time spent in sleep.