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class TtInformationControl @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?, defStyleAttr: Int) : ConstraintLayout

A reusable UI control that can be used for displaying information.

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data class TtInformationControlViewModel(headImage: ImageDescriptor?, primaryText: StringResolver?, primaryIcon: DrawableResolver?, secondaryText: StringResolver?, secondaryIcon: DrawableResolver?, tertiaryText: StringResolver?, tertiaryIcon: DrawableResolver?, onClick: () -> Unit?, ratingBarValue: Float?, ratingBarMaximumValue: Int, ratingBarText: StringResolver?, tailText: StringResolver?, tailIcon: DrawableResolver?, onTailSectionClick: () -> Unit?)

The ViewModel used to populate TtInformationControl.


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fun TtInformationControl.setViewModel(viewModel: TtInformationControlViewModel?)

Binds the given viewModel to a TtInformationControl. If viewModel is null, the contents of TtInformationControl will be cleared.