
fun runAnimation(view: View, @AnimRes animationResource: Int, onAnimationEnd: AnimationEndListener? = null)

Runs an animation created through animationResource on view, but only if the controller's lifecycle is in a started state. If the lifecycle is stopped, the animation will not be started and onAnimationEnd is called immediately.

If the state is stopped before the animation finishes, the animation is stopped and onAnimationEnd is called.

fun runAnimation(view: View, animation: Animation, animationListener: Animation.AnimationListener? = null)

Runs animation on view, but only if the controller's lifecycle is in a started state. If the lifecycle is stopped, the animation will not be started and the animation end listener is called immediately.

If the state is stopped before the animation finishes, the animation is stopped and the animation end listener is called.

Note: If animation has an animation listener, it will be cleared. The listener should be passed to animationListener instead.