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class BothSideDismissalStrategy(context: Context, dismissViewWidthThreshold: Float) : DismissalStrategy
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class BottomSideSpringAnimation(view: View, transitionType: BottomSideSpringAnimation.TransitionType, fadingEnabled: Boolean) : Animation

A custom Android animation to perform bottom side animated enter and exit of a view on the screen.

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abstract class DismissalStrategy(context: Context, dismissViewWidthThreshold: Float)

Define dismissal behavior of an animation.

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class DraggedViewPositionUpdater(view: View, fadingEnabled: Boolean)

A DraggedViewPositionUpdater updates horizontal view translation.

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class HorizontalDirectionTracker

A HorizontalDirectionTracker tracks the direction of horizontal movement.

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class HorizontalMovementSpringAnimation(view: View, fadingEnabled: Boolean) : MovementSpringAnimation
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class LeftSideDismissalStrategy(context: Context, dismissViewWidthThreshold: Float) : DismissalStrategy
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class LeftSideSpringAnimation(view: View, transitionType: LeftSideSpringAnimation.TransitionType, fadingEnabled: Boolean) : Animation

A custom Android animation to perform left side animated enter and exit of a view on the screen.

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open class MovementSpringAnimation(view: View, direction: MovementSpringAnimation.Direction, fadingEnabled: Boolean)

A custom animation to perform movement of a view on the screen.

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class RightSideDismissalStrategy(context: Context, dismissViewWidthThreshold: Float) : DismissalStrategy
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class SpringAnimationConfiguration(context: Context)
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class VerticalMoveAnimation(view: View, finalPositionPx: Int, fadingEnabled: Boolean) : Animation

A custom Android animation to perform animated movement of a view on the screen.

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class VerticalMovementSpringAnimation(view: View, fadingEnabled: Boolean) : MovementSpringAnimation


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fun View.applyDefaultStateListAnimatorIfNeeded()

Sets a StateListAnimator for click feedback to this if the user can interact with it by clicking it. This requires the view to have a click listener. Exceptions include EditTexts (the default animator is not wanted there) and views that have explicitly set a StateListAnimator.

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fun keepAnimatorsInViewTreeInSync(view: View)

Applies StateListAnimators to the entire view hierarchy of view, ensuring that their look and feel are consistent. After calling this method, new child views introduced to the view hierarchy will automatically have their animators set as well if needed. This method is expected to be called by the system UI upon its initialisation.