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class TtEmptyStateView @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?, defStyleAttr: Int) : ConstraintLayout

This view can be shown as a placeholder when the intended content can't be shown. For example, a fragment may show online content. When the fragment's content cannot be shown due to, for example, a connection issue, this view can be shown instead.

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class TtEmptyStateViewModel(image: DrawableResolver?, headerText: StringResolver?, bodyText: StringResolver?, buttonViewModels: List<TtButtonViewModel>)

A view model for TtEmptyStateView. This view model can be applied via TtEmptyStateView's ttViewModel XML property, or the extension method TtEmptyStateView.setViewModel.


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fun TtEmptyStateView.setViewModel(viewModel: TtEmptyStateViewModel?)

Adapter to set a TtEmptyStateViewModel for a TtEmptyStateView.