
class EmptyLiveData<T> : LiveData<T?>

An empty LiveData implementation for situations where we need a LiveData instance which will always have a null value.

When using this, observers will receive a callback for the null value of this instance. Because of this, EmptyLiveData can only be used for nullable types T. For non-nullable types T where no callback should be emitted, UnsetLiveData can be used instead.


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fun EmptyLiveData()

Inherited properties

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val mActiveCount: Int
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val mDataLock: Any
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val mPendingData: Any

Inherited functions

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open fun changeActiveCounter(p0: Int)
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open fun dispatchingValue(@Nullable p0: LiveData.ObserverWrapper<T?>?)
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open fun getValue(): T?
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open fun getVersion(): Int
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open fun hasActiveObservers(): Boolean
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open fun hasObservers(): Boolean
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open fun observe(@NonNull p0: LifecycleOwner, @NonNull p1: Observer<in T?>)
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open fun observeForever(@NonNull p0: Observer<in T?>)
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open fun onActive()
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open fun onInactive()
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open fun postValue(p0: T?)
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open fun removeObserver(@NonNull p0: Observer<in T?>)
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open fun removeObservers(@NonNull p0: LifecycleOwner)
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open fun setValue(p0: T?)