
Base class for handling updates for one or more updatable components, configured by config.

One or more handlers can be provided to a HandlerBasedUpdaterService instance.

See SingleComponentUpdateHandler to implement a ComponentUpdateHandler that only handles a single updatable component. For updating APKs, use SimpleApkUpdateHandler if it fulfills the requirements. Otherwise, consider to use ApkComponentUpdateHandler as a base class.

Handler implementations can optionally use scheduleDetectUpdate to periodically call detectUpdate.



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constructor(config: ComponentUpdateHandler.Config)


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data class Config(val defaultUpdatePolicy: UpdatePolicy)

The config of an ComponentUpdateHandler.


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Unique identifier of this handler. This ID must be stable across restarts.

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open val isReady: Flow<Boolean>

Indicates if the component update handler is ready. While the component update handler is not ready, the checkForUpdates, startDownload, startInstallation, detectUpdate and onReceiveBroadcast are not invoked or delayed.

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Collection of UpdateComponentInfo. A new value is emitted each time any value of any entry changes.


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open suspend fun checkForUpdates()

Allows the user to check for new updates.

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open suspend fun detectUpdate()

Invoked by DetectUpdateTriggerWorker and by the default implementation of checkForUpdates to allow the handler to detect if a new update is available.

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@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = 3)
suspend fun init(handlerContext: ComponentUpdateHandlerContext)

Initializes the handler with the given handlerContext and calls initInner.

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open fun onReceiveBroadcast(intent: Intent)

Invoked when UpdaterServiceBroadcastReceiver receives an intent.

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abstract fun removeFinishedUpdate(updateId: UpdateId)

Removes a finished update identified by updateId.

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abstract fun startDownload(updateId: UpdateId)

Starts the download of an update identified by updateId.

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abstract fun startInstallation(updateId: UpdateId)

Starts the installation of an update identified by updateId.

Inherited functions

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Schedules the invocation of ComponentUpdateHandler.detectUpdate periodically based on the detectUpdateTriggerWorkConfig with the handlerContext of this ComponentUpdateHandler.