
class RegistrationTokenMap<T : RegistrationToken, V>(tokenFactory: (Int) -> T)

Utility class to generate unique tokens of type T and associate a value of type V to this token. Tokens are created by using the tokenFactory.

This class is thread-safe.

It is assumed tokens can be reused after a Int.MAX_VALUE rollover.


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constructor(tokenFactory: (Int) -> T)


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fun associateValueToToken(token: T, value: V)

Associates the given value to the given token.

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Returns the associated value of token. Null when the token is not mapped.

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fun getAssociatedValueOfTokenOrDefault(token: T, default: V): V

Returns the associated value of token or default if the token is not mapped.

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Removes the associated value of token, if any, from the map.

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suspend fun <R> useNewToken(block: suspend (T) -> R): R

Creates a new token and calls block with the token as lambda argument. The entry associated to the token, if any, is removed from the map afterwards.

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fun withAssociatedValueAndRemove(token: T, block: (V) -> Unit)

Applies block on the associated value of token, if any, and removes the associated value, if any, afterwards.

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fun withNewToken(block: (T) -> V): V

Creates a new token and calls block with the token as lambda argument. The returned value of block is associated to the token.