
data class VehicleEvChargingConnector(val chargingStationConnectorTypes: Set<VehicleEvChargingConnector.ChargingStationConnectorType>, val electricCurrentType: VehicleEvChargingConnector.ElectricCurrentType, val maxVoltage: Voltage?, val maxCurrent: ElectricCurrent?, val maxPower: Power?, @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) val efficiency: Float?, val baseLoad: Power?) : Parcelable

Specifies the physical shape and electrical characteristics of a charging connector.


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constructor(chargingStationConnectorTypes: Set<VehicleEvChargingConnector.ChargingStationConnectorType>, electricCurrentType: VehicleEvChargingConnector.ElectricCurrentType, maxVoltage: Voltage?, maxCurrent: ElectricCurrent?, maxPower: Power?, @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) efficiency: Float?, baseLoad: Power?)


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A charging station's physical connector type.

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data class ElectricCurrentType(val id: String) : Parcelable

The type of electric current of the charging connector.


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val baseLoad: Power?

The base load of the charging connector. null when this information is unknown.

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The set of the charging station connectors compatible with this vehicle connector.

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The ratio between power delivered to the vehicle and supplied by the charging station. This ranges linearly from 0.0 for no power delivered at all to 1.0 for perfect efficiency. null when this information is unknown.

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The type of the electric current of the charging connector.

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val maxCurrent: ElectricCurrent?

The maximum electric current of the charging connector. null when this information is unknown.

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val maxPower: Power?

The maximum charging power. null when this information is unknown.

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val maxVoltage: Voltage?

The maximum voltage of the charging connector. null when this information is unknown.

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)