
Localization settings service to interact with localization related settings. Clients can, for instance, change the system locale, or get the activeTemperatureDisplayUnit to know if the temperature values should be displayed using degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit.


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object Companion


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Currently active distance measurement system.

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abstract val activeTemperatureDisplayUnit: Temperature.Unit

Currently active temperature display units.

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Currently active time formatting system.


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abstract suspend fun setActiveDistanceMeasurementSystem(distanceMeasurementSystem: DistanceMeasurementSystem)

Sets the active distance measurement system.

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abstract suspend fun setActiveTemperatureDisplayUnit(temperatureDisplayUnit: Temperature.Unit)

Sets the active temperature display unit.

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abstract suspend fun setClockTimeFormat(timeFormat: TimeFormat)

Sets Settings.System.TIME_12_24 to the time format setting determined by the timeFormat parameter. This API requires the Manifest.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS permission.

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abstract suspend fun setSystemLocale(locale: Locale)

Sets locale as the Android System Locale. This can be used to switch language on the Android system level. This API requires the Manifest.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION permission.