
Property delegate for non-null IVI service MirrorableMap properties.

The purpose of this property delegate is twofold:

  1. Notify an observer of property changes

  2. Keep the generated Base classes free of initial values.

The latter is achieved by using a lateinit prop below and allow the IviServiceBase class to check through isInitialized if all properties are neatly initialized by the IVI service before marking the service initialized.

When the property changes, the listener is registered to it with its associate lifecycleOwner.

For nullable MirrorableMap properties, see IviServiceNullableMirrorableMapPropertyDelegate


constructor(lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner, listener: MirrorableMapListenerForwarder<K, V>, observer: ChangeHandler<MirrorableMap<K, V>>)

Inherited properties

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open override var afterChange: ChangeHandler<MirrorableMap<K, V>>?

When not null, this callback is invoked after an IVI service interface property has changed and the new value is propagated to clients.

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open override var beforeChange: ChangeHandler<MirrorableMap<K, V>>?

When not null, this callback is invoked when an IVI service interface property has changed, before the actual property value is changed and the new value is propagated to clients.


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operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): MirrorableMap<K, V>
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open override fun isInitialized(): Boolean

Return if the property is initialised or not

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operator fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: MirrorableMap<K, V>)