Package-level declarations


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class DistanceResourceStringResolver(distance: Distance, distanceMeasurementSystem: DistanceMeasurementSystem) : StringResolver

A StringResolver that takes a Distance value and resolves it to a String representation using the distance measurement system.

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
class DistanceUtil(distanceMeasurementSystem: DistanceMeasurementSystem)

Formats distance to appropriate units depending on DistanceUnit.


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fun getActiveEvChargingConnector(chargingStation: ChargingStation?, chargingPointId: ChargingPointId?, connectorId: ConnectorId?): Connector?
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fun getApproximatedChargingTime(currentChargeLevel: Energy?, desiredChargePercentage: Float?, chargingPointConnector: Connector, vehicleEvChargingConnector: VehicleEvChargingConnector?, batteryCapacity: Energy?, batteryCurve: List<VehicleEvChargingCurvePoint>?, chargingTimeOffset: Duration? = DEFAULT_CHARGING_OFFSET): Duration?

Returns the approximated time Duration at the charging stop, allowing for some additional time needed to use the charging facility or null if one of function parameter requirements listed below was not satisfied. When reaching the last percent before desired charge level, the function returns Duration of 0 minutes.

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fun getBatteryLevelPercentage(currentCharge: Energy, maxCharge: Energy): Float?

Returns percentage Float value for battery charge level or null if function requirements are not satisfied.

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Returns Currency instance for given 3 letter currency code. Returns default currency for locale if currency code is null or is not a valid ISO 4217 value.

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fun getMaximumConnectorChargingPower(chargingPointConnector: Connector?, vehicleEvChargingConnector: VehicleEvChargingConnector?): Double?
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Returns true if comma separated 2-letter country code string pattern is valid.

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fun DistanceUnit.toAbbreviatedText(): StringResolver

Returns the string representation of the DistanceUnit.