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data class DayOfWeekRestriction(val daysOfWeek: List<DayOfWeek>) : TariffRestriction

The day(s) of the week the Tariff is active.

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When applied to the Tariff, this restriction is valid until this time of the day.

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data class MaximumDurationRestriction(val maximumDuration: Duration) : TariffRestriction

Maximum duration the charging session can last (exclusive). When the duration of a charging session is shorter than the defined value, the Tariff is or becomes active.

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data class MinimumDurationRestriction(val minimumDuration: Duration) : TariffRestriction

Minimum duration the charging session can last (inclusive). When the duration of a charging session is longer than the defined value, the Tariff is or becomes active.

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When applied to the Tariff, this restriction is valid starting from this time of the day.

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)