
@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
sealed class TariffDimensionType : Parcelable

Represents the tariff dimension type of a charging tariff for a connector.



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data class ChargingTime(val stepSize: Int) : TariffDimensionType

Time charging: defined in hours, stepSize multiplier: 1 second.

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data class Energy(val stepSize: Int) : TariffDimensionType

Defined in kWh, stepSize multiplier: 1 Wh.

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Flat fee without tariffStep.

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data class ParkingTime(val stepSize: Int) : TariffDimensionType

Time not charging: defined in hours, stepSize multiplier: 1 second.

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data class ReservationTime(val stepSize: Int) : TariffDimensionType

Reservation time: defined in hours, stepSize multiplier: 1 second.


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Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)