
This class gives details on the cause of a failed request.


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The request was not able to succeed because there is a problem with the user account. This could be that the user does not have a valid charge pass assigned to their account.

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The request was not able to succeed because there either is already an active session, or no session was active when one was expected.

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The client tried to start the authentication process but authentication is already in progress.

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An internal error occurred trying to setup the authentication process.

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The request failed because the charging connector was not connected to the vehicle.

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The request failed because there was a problem with the charging point. This could be because it is offline, occupied, reserved, timeout or out of service.

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Corresponds to AuthorizationRequestErrors.CLIENT_ERROR.

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The authenticated eMSP does not support the country of the charging station.

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The specified eMSP was not found. This could be because there is no eMSP with the specified identifier in the system or the eMSP plugin was not available because, it had, for example, crashed or not finished starting up yet.

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A request failed due to an internal error.

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Corresponds to AuthorizationRequestErrors.JSON_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR.

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The login process was canceled. This could be, for example, because the end-user closed the login UI without logging in and abandoned the login process.

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The request failed because there was a network error. This could be because there was no internet connection or the eMSP server being unavailable.

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The request failed because there was no authenticated eMSP service available to handle the request.

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No active session appeared after a certain time. This could be because the charging connector was not connected to the vehicle or to the charging point.

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The request was not able to succeed because what has been requested wasn't found. This could be that a resource was requested which is unknown to the eMSP, for example tariff information for a specific charging station which is unknown to the eMSP.

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A request has failed due to a timeout.

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Authentication is not possible due to some general error, such as a server error at the provider.

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The user is not authorized to perform this request. This could be because the user lacks the necessary credentials, permission or roles to perform the request.

Inherited properties

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Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)

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Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)