
Skips to the previous item in the queue.


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constructor(context: MediaControlContext)


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Creates a control for skipping backwards, either to the start of the current media item or the previous media item.


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open override val drawable: LiveData<DrawableResolver?>

The icon of the control, which is used to represent the control to the user.

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open override val isVisible: LiveData<Boolean>

Whether the control is visible. This can be used to show the control as disabled. Defaults to isAvailable.

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open override val tag: Int

Int resource ID to tag this MediaControl with. The tag can be used in tests to refer to one or more controls with the same tag.

Inherited properties

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open val actionType: TtButton.ActionType

The type of the control, which is used by TtButton to apply one of the predefined styles. May be overridden in subclasses in order to apply a specialized style. TtButton.ActionType.TERTIARY is used by default as the most neutral option.

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open override val isAvailable: LiveData<Boolean>

Whether or not it is possible to launch the action right now.

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open val text: LiveData<StringResolver>

Textual description of the control.

Inherited functions

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open fun asIconTtButtonViewModel(): LiveData<TtButtonViewModel>

Creates a TtButtonViewModel representation of this MediaControl as an icon button. This implies only the drawable is included.

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open fun getArguments(): Bundle?

Retrieve the arguments that are set for the media control's action. If null, no arguments are used.

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open override fun launch(): Boolean

Launch this action using the current action context. The Action, determined by toAction, is performed using the current context. If the action is not currently available, the operation will fail.

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open override fun toAction(): Action

Convert this SingleActionMediaControl to an Action to launch it. The IVI media service uses Action objects to issue commands to media sources.