
Represents a collection of selected IviThemeComponents.

A selected IviThemeComponent will be the active one for its corresponding IviThemeCategory. An IviThemeCategory can have only one selected IviThemeComponent and an IviThemeComponent can only be selected for its corresponding IviThemeCategory.

The constructor of this class is non-public. It is only possible to add, override or remove selection with plus and minus. Flow transformations created by IviThemeComponentSelector.createSelectionTransformation can obtain an IviThemeComponentSelection instance from the precedingSelection flow. See IviThemeComponentSelector.createSelectionTransformation for details.



All selected IviThemeComponent associated by their corresponding IviThemeCategorys.


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constructor(selectedComponents: Set<IviThemeComponent>)

Constructs a selection based on the given selectedComponents.


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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Returns a new IviThemeComponentSelection which is based on this instance without the selection for category.

Returns a new IviThemeComponentSelection which is based on this instance with only the components that are not also in other.

Returns a new IviThemeComponentSelection which is based on this instance without the selections for any of the categories.

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Returns a new IviThemeComponentSelection which combines this IviThemeComponentSelection with other. If an IviThemeCategory is present in both selections, the selected IviThemeComponent from other takes precedence.

Returns a new IviThemeComponentSelection which combines this IviThemeComponentSelection with components. If an IviThemeCategory is present in both entries, the selected IviThemeComponent from components takes precedence.

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open override fun toString(): String