
An IviThemeComponent parameterized by an IviThemeCategoryStylingFlavor type.

Use this type when additional type-safety and compile-time checks are desired.

Use createComponent with the stylingFlavor argument or createComponents with the stylingFlavors argument, to constructor this class.

Multiple Android styles can be applied when this IviThemeComponent is selected for its IviThemeCategory. The styles are configured by IviThemeRegistrySource.Components plugins.



The unique identifier of this IviThemeComponent. The following naming convention is applicable: <company>.<product>.themecomponent.<category>.<id>. For example: com.tomtom.ivi.themecomponent.color.dark


One of the enum class values of enum type SF.


The IviThemeCategory this component belongs to.


The enum class type that defines a set of IviThemeCategory styling flavors. This type provides type-safety and allows for checking at compile time if all styling flavors are exhausted. See IviThemeCategoryStylingFlavor for more information and an example.


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open override val id: String
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open override val label: StringResolver

The label of the theme component.

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open override val themeCategory: IviThemeCategory


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)