
abstract class IviServiceBase<P : Any, PO : IviServicePropertiesObserver> @IviInternal constructor(iviServiceHostContext: IviServiceHostContext) : LifecycleOwner

Base for the generated base classes of IVI Services.

This class is parameterized by the properties class P and the properties observer interface PO of an IVI service.



The IVI service host context.


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constructor(iviServiceHostContext: IviServiceHostContext)


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object Companion


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val context: Context

The Android context of the service.

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Allows retrieving the values of dynamic configurations using a configuration key.

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Can be overridden to disable logging status information when serviceReady is false. The status will be logged every logStatusWhenNotReadyInterval milliseconds.

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The IVI instance ID of the service host. null if the IVI service is a global IVI service.

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IVI service provider instance.

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override val lifecycle: Lifecycle
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Interval in milliseconds in between logging the service status info when serviceReady is false and when isLogStatusWhenNotReadyEnabled is true.

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Allows the registration of properties observer.

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abstract val serviceId: IviServiceId

IviServiceId of the IVI Service. Implemented by the generated <Interface>Base class.

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val serviceLifecycleState: LiveData<Lifecycle.State>

The service lifecycle state.

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Allows retrieving the values of static configurations using a configuration key.


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abstract fun appendStatusInfo(stringBuilder: StringBuilder)

Called to log the status of the service.

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Creates a connection factory for this IVI service interface.

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abstract fun initializePropertyObserver(propertiesObserver: PO)

Initializes the given propertiesObserver with all properties values.

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open fun onCreate()

Called by the system when the service is created.

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open fun onDestroy()

Called when the service is being destroyed.