
The IVI service connection managers.

An IVI service connection manager manages the connection of a service interface instance identified by the iviInstanceId and serviceId.

<Interface>Api class instances can observe the connection of type C. As long as connection is observed by an active LifecycleOwner owner, the IVI service host manager will try to establish the connection.

connection is set when the IVI service host manager provide the connection data D. The IVI service host managers provides D when the connection has been established by calling onServiceConnectionAvailable. C is created through IviServiceInterfaceRegistration.connectionFactory of the serviceInterfaceRegistration. C is parameterized by the properties class P and a properties observer interface PO.

The manager keeps a cache of the IVI service interface properties. This cache is updated after a new connection is available and when the IVI service's serviceReady property is set to true. The cache is also updated on any following property changes. The caches are live data properties as such clients can observe the property changes.

serviceAvailable is set to true after the property cache is updated and set to false when either the connection is lost or when the IVI service's serviceReady property is set to false.

On disconnect, the IVI service connection manager is responsible to set the mutableConnection property to null.



The <Interface>Connection interface implementation.


The connection data class for this connection.


The <Interface>Properties class.


The <Interface>PropertiesObserver interface.


The <Interface>LiveDataProperties class.


The IVI instance ID.


The interface registration entry of this connection.


Factory for LP.


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object Companion
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interface IviServiceConnectionManagerImplEvents : TraceEventListener


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open override val cachedProperties: LP

Mirror cache of the properties of the IVI service interface. The properties are LiveData properties.

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open override val connection: LiveData<C?>

LiveData containing the connection, if any.

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The service connection manager that manages the connection for the service interface as specified by the serviceInterfaceRegistration.

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open override val connectionRequested: StateFlow<Boolean>

true if a connection is currently requested for the service interface as specified by the serviceInterfaceRegistration.

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open override val iviInstanceId: IviInstanceId?
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open override val serviceAvailable: LiveData<Boolean>

Whether the service interface is available.

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The current status.


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fun bind(serviceConnectionManagerContext: IviServiceConnectionManagerContext)
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Called when a connection is available.

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Called when the connection is unavailable.