
Represents a BluetoothConnectivityStatus which holds connection status information of a remote Bluetooth device.



The connection state of a remote Bluetooth device.


The bond state of a remote Bluetooth device.


Holds the reason why the last bond state was changed. Defaults to null when not provided. When null, the reason is unknown.


The list of the connected Bluetooth profiles provided by the remote Bluetooth device.


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constructor(connectionState: BluetoothConnectivityStatus.BluetoothConnectionState, bondState: BluetoothConnectivityStatus.BluetoothBondState, lastBondStateChangeReason: BluetoothConnectivityStatus.BondStateChangeReason? = null, connectedProfiles: Set<BluetoothDeviceProfile> = emptySet())


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BondStateChangeReason should be used by the client to check if a pairing request succeeded, and resulted into a bond with the remote Bluetooth device. When the bond was created successfully, it is indicated by providing BOND_SUCCESS, otherwise the reason why the bond was not created will be provided. UNBOND_REASON_REMOVED is only used when the bond between the remote Bluetooth device has been removed.

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)