
@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
interface SourceClient

A client to browse content offered by a media source.

Browsing to an IviMediaItem, instructs the client to make the list of IviMediaItems inside of that item available in contents.

If the specified media source crashes, the source client invokes an ErrorCallback for special handling.

A client needs to be connected using connect. The connection state is held by isAvailable. disconnect can be used to close the connection and clear the data. It is possible to connect and disconnect multiple times.

See also



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The list of IviMediaItems available for browsing.

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Whether the source can be queried and provide content.

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abstract val isLoading: LiveData<Boolean>

Whether the source is loading content.

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abstract val rootMetadata: LiveData<Bundle?>

The client root extras. Can be used to store various values to determine source behavior.


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abstract suspend fun <T> coLaunchBrowserAction(browserAction: BrowserAction<T>): BrowserActionResult<T>

Launch a browser action.

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abstract fun connect()

Connects client to a media source to display the content. The connection is kept until disconnect is called.

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abstract fun disconnect()

Disconnects client from a media source and clears the content.

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abstract fun setErrorCallback(callback: ErrorCallback)

Set the callback where to receive notifications about error conditions.

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abstract fun setTag(tag: String)

Set a tag to identify this client in debugging logs.