Package-level declarations

Contains the set of functions to coordinate panels in the system UI.


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Convenience alias for a collection of AnyPanels.


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Maps a collection containing all AnyPanels of all Frontends to the active ExpandedProcessPanel. If multiple ExpandedProcessPanels are present in the collection, the active one is considered the newest one.

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Maps a collection containing all AnyPanels of all Frontends to the active MainProcessPanel. In case multiple MainProcessPanels are present in the collection, the active one is considered the one with the highest MainProcessPanel.priority.

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Maps a collection containing all AnyPanels of all Frontends to an active ModalPanelStackData.

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Maps a collection containing all AnyPanels of all Frontends to an active TaskPanelStackData.

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
fun LiveData<out Collection<AnyPanel>>.mapToNotificationPanelData(notificationSuppressionPolicy: LiveData<NotificationSuppressionPolicy>, showSuppressedNotifications: LiveData<Boolean>): LiveData<NotificationPanelData>

Maps a collection containing all AnyPanels of all Frontends to a NotificationPanelData that indicates which NotificationPanels to show and other relevant information.

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
inline fun <P : AnyPanel> LiveData<out Collection<AnyPanel>>.mapToSingle(): LiveData<P?>

Maps a collection containing all AnyPanels of all Frontends to a single Panel of type P. This mapping assumes there cannot be multiple instances of type P and will throw an IllegalStateException if it does encounter multiple ones.

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
inline fun <P : AnyPanel> LiveData<out AnyPanelCollection>.mapToSortedList(comparator: Comparator<in P> = compareBy(AnyPanel::id)): LiveData<PanelList<P>>

Maps a collection containing all AnyPanels of all Frontends to a PanelList containing all Panels of type P, sorted by comparator. If no comparator is provided, the Panels will be sorted based on from oldest to newest.

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Takes a MainProcessPanel only if there is no undismissed task panel in taskPanelStackData. This prevents the main process panel to show up on top of task panels.

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Takes a MainProcessPanel only if its priority is at least minimumPriority. When the MainProcessPanel.Priority of the given panel is lower than the given minimumPriority, it is considered not relevant and it will be ignored, either until its priority increases, or until a new MainProcessPanel is given.