
Interactions for instrumented tests involving the panels to browse media of the stock media frontend.

This object contains ready-to-use Espresso, ViewInteractions and waiters for media browsing panels of the stock media frontend, such as the root browsing panel with category tabs.

See SearchPanelInteractions and CollectionPanelInteractions for more interactions related to browsing.


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Matcher for any MediaContentView displayed while browsing a source.

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Matcher for a MediaContentView displaying normal browsable content (e.g. not a playlist) while browsing a source.

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val thatIsEmptyState: Matcher<View>

Matcher for a TtEmptyStateView meaning that there is no content while browsing a source.

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Matcher for a 'search' button in the root browsing panel of a source. Used to open the search panel.


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ViewInteraction to browse to the browsable media item with title, such as an album or playlist, which is currently shown by any MediaContentView.

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ViewInteraction to select a tab in the root browsing panel of a source.

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ViewInteraction to tap a 'search' button in the root browsing panel of a source.

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ViewInteraction to tap a 'search' button in the root browsing panel of a source.

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fun thatIsDisplayedCategoryTab(withName: String): Matcher<View>

Matcher for a tab withName shown in the root browsing panel of a source.

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fun thatIsVisibleMediaItem(title: String): Matcher<View>

Matcher for any media item container, displayed inside a MediaContentView, whose title is title.

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Matcher for any media item container, displayed inside a MediaContentView, whose title contains substring.

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fun waitForCategoryTabs(names: List<String>, selectedIndex: Int)

Helper method to expect specific tab names and a selectedIndex in the root browsing panel of a source.

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ViewInteraction to expect no content available while browsing a source.

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ViewInteraction to expect any type of media browsing panel to be displayed.