
data class Contact(val displayName: String, val initials: String = "", val givenName: String = "", val familyName: String = "", val companyName: String, val phoneNumbers: List<PhoneNumber>, val defaultPhoneNumberIndex: Int, val addresses: List<Address>, val defaultAddressIndex: Int, val source: ContactSource? = null, val favorite: Boolean, val image: DrawableResolver? = null, val primarySortKey: String, val alternativeSortKey: String) : Parcelable

Encapsulates an address book contact.

Note: The Bluetooth stack of the remote Bluetooth device is responsible for providing contact information for Contacts which have the source property set to an instance of BluetoothDeviceContactSource. These contacts don't always have all the properties provided and remote devices can provide different information for a specific property. See for example:

Original Contact : givenName='' familyName='' companyName='Company' Synced from iPhone : givenName='Company' familyName='' companyName='' displayName='Company' Synced from Android: givenName='2' familyName='' companyName='' displayName='061-234-5679'


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fun Contact(displayName: String, initials: String = "", givenName: String = "", familyName: String = "", companyName: String, phoneNumbers: List<PhoneNumber>, defaultPhoneNumberIndex: Int, addresses: List<Address>, defaultAddressIndex: Int, source: ContactSource? = null, favorite: Boolean, image: DrawableResolver? = null, primarySortKey: String, alternativeSortKey: String)


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List of addresses for the contact.

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The alternative sort key used when a list of contacts is sorted.

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The name of the company associated with this contact.

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The index of the default address. This is an index in the addresses list.

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The index of the default phone number. This is an index of the phoneNumbers list.

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Name of the contact.

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Family name of the contact. This is the last name of a contact if the name is in Western style. See also FullNameStyle. This is an empty string if the contact does not have a family name set in the address book.

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True when the contact is set as a favorite, false otherwise.

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Given name of the contact. This is typically the contact's first name in Western names. See also FullNameStyle. This is an empty string if the contact does not have a given name set in the address book.

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val image: DrawableResolver? = null

An image associated with this contact, if available, or null if there is no image available.

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Initials of the contact.

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List of phone numbers of the contact.

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The primary sort key used when a list of contacts is sorted.

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val source: ContactSource? = null

The source from which this contact originates, or null if unknown.


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open override fun toString(): String

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)