A policy that avoids distracting the user when not necessary.

The policy ends up being applied by the component responsible for selecting which notifications to display, which is typically the system UI. When applying this policy, notifications that are not immediately important should be suppressed. Note that not all notifications should be suppressed under this policy. Some time-critical notifications (e.g., for phone calls) may still be deemed necessary to be shown.

The exact definition of a 'distracting notification' is left to the system UI, which can make that decision based on the meta data of the notifications. Components responsible for proposing a policy to be used should return this policy when they want the user to be able to focus on a certain task.

Inherited properties

Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard

Inherited functions

Link copied to clipboard
abstract fun describeContents(): Int
Link copied to clipboard
abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)