Package-level declarations

This package contains data classes representing VPA information. It can be used for implementing a custom com.tomtom.ivi.platform.vpa.api.service.vpaadaptation.VpaAdaptationService or in a frontend interacting with the com.tomtom.ivi.platform.vpa.api.service.vpamediator.VpaMediatorService.


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Error codes explaining what went wrong when attempting to authenticate with a VPA.

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data class AuthenticationInfo(val url: String?, val authenticationCode: String?) : Parcelable

Holds data that informs the client about how to authenticate with the VPA service.

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The different authentication states the VPA service can be in.

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The mechanism to use to authenticate the end-user with a VPA service.

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A Map that associates each paired Bluetooth device to the set of personal data types stored on it that the user has allowed to be sent to a VPA.

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data class CallAction(val phoneNumber: String) : VpaAction

VpaAction that places a phone call.

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The state of the verbal conversation between the end-user and the VPA.

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Describes a combination of Locales that may be supported by a VPA. The list is sorted by order of priority given to the languages by the VPA.

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
data class NavigateAction(val place: Place) : VpaAction

VpaAction that navigates to a location specified by the place.

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The types of personal data, stored on a phone, that can be shared with a VPA.

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data class Template(val version: TemplateVersion, val data: VpaMessage) : Parcelable

Templates are visual metadata that can be provided by a VPA as a result of certain requests. The UI can show this data in order to describe or enhance a user's voice interaction.

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typealias TemplateVersion = Int
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abstract class VpaAction(val shouldHideVpaUi: Boolean) : Parcelable

VPA action requests initiated by user interaction and consumed by a VpaActionsService.

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data class VpaAlert(val alertId: String, val reason: String?, val state: VpaAlertState, val time: String?, val type: VpaAlertType?, val label: String?) : Parcelable

Holds information about an alert that has been scheduled through interaction with a VPA. For example, the user might have asked the VPA to schedule an alarm or create a reminder.

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The state of a VpaAlert, indicating whether it's waiting to be triggered, it's currently being triggered or it's no longer triggered.

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The type of a VpaAlert.

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data class VpaAuthenticationStatus(val authenticationState: AuthenticationState, val authenticationType: AuthenticationType? = null, val authenticationInfo: AuthenticationInfo? = null, val lastAuthenticationError: AuthenticationError? = null) : Parcelable

Holds all the information about the VPA authentication process.

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Describes whether a VPA is available to clients for use. When a VPA is available, clients can make API calls to it. This does not necessarily mean that the end-user can speak to the VPA yet.

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The different earcon types that can be played when a VPA changes state.

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data class VpaIdentifier(val name: String) : Parcelable

A name used for uniquely identifying a particular VPA. It is not localized and should not be used for display in a production UI.

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data class VpaMessage(val topic: String, val action: String, val payload: String) : Parcelable

A class that can be used to exchange custom data between a VPA service and its clients.

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data class VpaProperties(val vpaIdentifier: VpaIdentifier, val supportedLocales: List<Locale>, val supportedLocaleCombinations: List<LocaleCombination>? = null, val supportedCountries: List<String>) : Parcelable

Holds information about immutable properties of a VPA, such as its name or the list of languages it supports.

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data class VpaSettings(val wakeUpWordEnabled: Boolean, val activeLocales: List<Locale>, val enabledEarcons: EnumSet<VpaEarconType>, val doNotDisturbModeEnabled: Boolean, val locationSharingEnabled: Boolean, val syncVehicleNavigationFavoritesEnabled: Boolean, val allowedPersonalData: BluetoothAddressToAllowedPersonalDataMap = emptyMap()) : Parcelable

Holds the current state of all the settings for a VPA.

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The required visibility of the VPA panel.