
data class Message(val id: Uid<Message>, val conversationId: Uid<Conversation>, val author: ConversationContact?, val state: MessageState, val contentText: String, val timestamp: Instant) : Parcelable


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fun Message(id: Uid<Message>, conversationId: Uid<Conversation>, author: ConversationContact?, state: MessageState, contentText: String, timestamp: Instant)


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The author of the message. Never null for incoming messaging, always 'null' for outgoing messages.

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The textual content of the message.

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The universally unique ID of the conversation to which the message belongs.

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val id: Uid<Message>

The universally unique ID of the message.

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The state of the message.

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A timestamp relating to the message. For incoming messages, this is the time the message was received. For outgoing messages, this is the time of creation of the Message model.


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open override fun toString(): String

contentText is masked when the Message is printed.

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)