Package-level declarations

The API of TomTom Digital Cockpit's configuration framework.


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A key used to refer to a dynamic configuration with a Boolean value type.

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A representation of a configuration value of type Boolean with update information.

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A key used to refer to a dynamic configuration with a List<Boolean> value type.

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A representation of a configuration value of type List<Boolean> with update information.

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A key used to refer to a static configuration with a List<Boolean> value type.

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A key used to refer to a static configuration with a Boolean value type.

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A dynamic configuration provider that can be composed of other providers.

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A static configuration provider that can be composed of other providers.

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A strategy that specifies what happens to the existing configuration value after changing the default value.

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A key used to refer to a dynamic configuration with a Double value type.

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A representation of a configuration value of type Double with update information.

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A key used to refer to a dynamic configuration with a List<Double> value type.

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A representation of a configuration value of type List<Double> with update information.

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A key used to refer to a static configuration with a List<Double> value type.

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A key used to refer to a static configuration with a Double value type.

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data class DynamicConfigurationGroup(val group: String)

A group of related configurations.

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A key used to refer to a dynamic configuration of a certain group and a type.

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A dynamic configuration provider for services.

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A representation of a configuration value of type T with update information. It contains a non-empty set of value entries valueEntries, sorted ascending by version.

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data class EnumDynamicConfigurationKey<E : Enum<*>>(val group: DynamicConfigurationGroup, val id: String, val enumClassRef: KClass<E>) : DynamicConfigurationKey

A key used to refer to a dynamic configuration of enum type E.

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A representation of a configuration value of the enum type E with update information.

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A key used to refer to a dynamic configuration with a Float value type.

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A representation of a configuration value of type Float with update information.

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A key used to refer to a dynamic configuration with a List<Float> value type.

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A representation of a configuration value of type List<Float> with update information.

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A key used to refer to a static configuration with a List<Float> value type.

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A key used to refer to a static configuration with a Float value type.

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A key used to refer to a dynamic configuration with an Integer value type.

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A representation of a configuration value of type Int with update information.

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A key used to refer to a dynamic configuration with a List<Int> value type.

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A representation of a configuration value of type List<Int> with update information.

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A key used to refer to a static configuration with a List<Int> value type.

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A key used to refer to a static configuration with a Int value type.

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A key used to refer to a dynamic configuration with a Long value type.

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A representation of a configuration value of type Long with update information.

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A key used to refer to a dynamic configuration with a List<Long> value type.

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A representation of a configuration value of type List<Long> with update information.

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A key used to refer to a static configuration with a List<Long> value type.

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A key used to refer to a static configuration with a Long value type.

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A key used to refer to a static configuration with a List<Boolean>? value type.

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A key used to refer to a static configuration with a Boolean? value type.

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A key used to refer to a static configuration with a List<Double>? value type.

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A key used to refer to a static configuration with a Double? value type.

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A key used to refer to a static configuration with a List<Float>? value type.

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A key used to refer to a static configuration with a Float? value type.

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A key used to refer to a static configuration with a List<Int>? value type.

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A key used to refer to a static configuration with a Int? value type.

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A key used to refer to a static configuration with a List<Long>? value type.

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A key used to refer to a static configuration with a Long? value type.

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A key used to refer to a static configuration with a List<String>? value type.

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A key used to refer to a static configuration with a String? value type.

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The key to refer to a static configuration of a certain type. Configuration may be optional (indicated by an Opt prefix) or not. When a configuration's value is requested through StaticConfigurationProvider, an optional key allows null to be returned. Other keys require a value to be set and throw an exception if no value is available.

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Static configuration provider for frontends and services.

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A key used to refer to a dynamic configuration with a String value type.

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A representation of a configuration value of type String with update information.

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A key used to refer to a dynamic configuration with a List<String> value type.

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A representation of a configuration value of type List<String> with update information.

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A key used to refer to a static configuration with a List<String> value type.

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A key used to refer to a static configuration with a String value type.


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A dispatch method for subtypes of DynamicConfigurationKey since overloaded get methods cannot be called with argument of DynamicConfigurationKey type.

A dispatch method for subtypes of StaticConfigurationKey since overloaded get methods cannot be called with argument of StaticConfigurationKey type.