Package com.tomtom.ivi.platform.systemui.api.stock.systemuihost.view


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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
class TtiviDismissableContainer @JvmOverloads constructor(    context: Context,     attrs: AttributeSet? = null,     defStyleAttr: Int = 0) : FrameLayout

A FrameLayout that allows the user to dismiss it using horizontal gestures. This class intercepts touch events as soon as it decides that the current gesture is in the proper direction for a dismissal gesture. Gestures that are not a dismissal are passed to the child view. Intercepting touch gestures cannot be blocked by calling requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent because some view classes block their parent from intercepting before it is clear which view must actually handle the gesture. For example a ScrollView should block its parent only when deciding the current gesture is a scroll, but the ScrollView does this immediately on a touch event ACTION_DOWN. (Not clear whether this is intended behavior or a ScrollView bug.) Note: Always use raw pointer coordinates for dismissal detection. During a dismissal gesture the widget is animated to follow the pointer (finger), so that the pointer position on the widget remains unchanged.