Package com.tomtom.ivi.platform.recentcalls.api.common.model

The com.tomtom.ivi.platform.recentcalls.api.common.model package contains useful base classes that should be used when working on features provided by the recent calls service.

Core recent calls library

This library contains useful helper classes used with the recent calls service interface. It can be used for implementing a custom recent calls service or in a frontend using the recent calls service.

The RecentCall class defines the data belonging to a RecentCall used in the recent calls service.

External links

  • recent calls service.


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data class RecentCall(    val type: RecentCall.RecentCallType,     val displayName: String,     val phoneNumber: PhoneNumber,     val duration: Duration,     val creationTime: Instant) : Parcelable

Describes a recent call made to or from a connected mobile phone.