Package com.tomtom.ivi.platform.telecom.api.common.model

This library contains data representation of calls information and status of synchronization with Bluetooth devices.

The Call and CallState classes define the data belonging to a call.

The PhoneBookSynchronizationStatus enum class contains the different status of synchronization with Bluetooth devices.


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data class Call(    val id: CallId,     val state: CallState,     val capabilities: EnumSet<CallCapability>,     val creationTime: Instant,     val activationTime: Instant?,     val phoneNumber: String,     val displayName: String,     val disconnectedCause: DisconnectCause?,     val phoneAccountId: String) : Parcelable

Represents a phone call.

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enum CallCapability : Enum<CallCapability>

The possible capabilities for a Call.

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data class CallId(val value: Long) : Parcelable

Represents an identifier that uniquely identifies a call.

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enum CallState : Enum<CallState>

The possible call states.

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enum DtmfTone : Enum<DtmfTone> , Parcelable

The possible DTMF tones.

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Status of synchronization with Bluetooth devices.

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data class PhoneUri(val uri: Uri) : Parcelable

Represents a phone URI.

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data class SipUri(val uri: Uri) : Parcelable

Represents a SIP URI.