
@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
class CompositeMediaControl(controls: List<MediaControl>) : ToggleMediaControl

Continuously picks the first visible media control from the given controls list, and delegates all calls to it. If there is no visible control, it will delegate to the last control in the list.

Can wrap MediaControl and ToggleMediaControls.



List of controls to aggregate.


when no controls are supplied.

Note: The MediaControlPriority provided to the Factory is used for all contained media controls.


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fun CompositeMediaControl(controls: List<MediaControl>)


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class Factory(val priority: MediaControlPriority, factories: MediaControlFactory) : MediaControlFactory

MediaControlFactory implementation that is used to create CompositeMediaControl instances.


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open override val actionType: TtButton.ActionType

Toggle-based action type.

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open override val drawable: LiveData<DrawableResolver>

The icon of the control, which is used to represent the control to the user.

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open override val isActivated: LiveData<Boolean>

Whether the associated action is currently switched on.

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open override val isAvailable: LiveData<Boolean>

Whether or not it is possible to launch the action right now.

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open override val isVisible: LiveData<Boolean>

Whether the control is visible. This can be used to show the control as disabled. Defaults to isAvailable.

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open override val tag: Int?

Int resource ID to tag this MediaControl with. The tag can be used in tests to refer to one or more controls with the same tag.

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open override val text: LiveData<StringResolver>

Textual description of the control.


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open override fun launch(): Boolean

Perform the action.

Inherited functions

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open fun asIconTtButtonViewModel(): LiveData<TtButtonViewModel>

Creates a TtButtonViewModel representation of this MediaControl as an icon button. This implies only the drawable is included.