
data class ContactsDataSourceQuery(    val selection: ContactsDataSourceQuery.ContactSelection,     val filter: ContactsDataSourceQuery.ContactFilter? = null,     val orderBy: ContactsDataSourceQuery.ContactOrderBy? = null) : Parcelable

Represents a query that can be applied to the contacts data set.



The selection criteria for the query.


The filtering criteria for the query. By default this is set to null and no filtering is applied unless it is specified.


The order criteria to sort the query results. By default set to null, no ordering is applied unless it is specified.


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fun ContactsDataSourceQuery(    selection: ContactsDataSourceQuery.ContactSelection,     filter: ContactsDataSourceQuery.ContactFilter? = null,     orderBy: ContactsDataSourceQuery.ContactOrderBy? = null)


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sealed class ContactFilter : Parcelable

The filter criteria of the query results.

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sealed class ContactOrderBy : Parcelable

The sorting criteria of query results.

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sealed class ContactSelection : Parcelable

The selection criteria of the query.


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val filter: ContactsDataSourceQuery.ContactFilter? = null
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val orderBy: ContactsDataSourceQuery.ContactOrderBy? = null
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val selection: ContactsDataSourceQuery.ContactSelection

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)