Package com.tomtom.ivi.platform.localization.api.common.settings

This package contains tools for customising the region-specific elements of the digital cockpit environment such as language.

setSystemLocale is an API which allows for changing the Android system's language, reflected in all apps present on the system.


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enum TimeFormat : Enum<TimeFormat>


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fun getClockTimeFormat(context: Context): TimeFormat

Retrieves the current clock time format value at Settings.System.TIME_12_24 and returns the corresponding TimeFormat enum value.

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fun Context.restartActivity()

Extends Context to restart the Activity.

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fun setClockTimeFormat(context: Context, timeValue: TimeFormat)

Sets Settings.System.TIME_12_24 to the time format setting determined by the timeValue parameter. This API Requires android.permission.WRITE_PERMISSIONS.

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fun setSystemLocale(locale: Locale)

Sets locale as the Android System Locale. This can be used to switch language on the Android system level. The android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION permission is required in order to use this API.